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代码片段: The drawbacks of DIY trust and estate planning documents include inconsistencies, 缺乏灵活性, 资产遗漏, 模糊的规定, 而且他们可能不遵守你所在州的法律. In addition, they lack proper consideration for future challenges and opportunities.  We live in a fast-paced digital world where we prefer that many tasks be done quickly. 然而, the consequences of downloading online forms and templates for trust and estate planning outweigh the speed and convenience it offers. Without a thorough approach and the guidance of a professional, DIY trust and estate planning documents can cause legal complications which, 在未来, 可能会导致你 ...


  • 9月29日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

离婚是生活中最大的压力源之一, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, 特别是如果有共同的孩子这样的问题, 房屋, 以及涉及的资产或争论的理由. 即使你和你的配偶在大多数问题上意见一致, you need to ensure that everything is done in accordance with 印第安纳州 law, 包括满足居住要求, 填写和归档所需的表格, and dealing with issues and working out any problems that may arise during the process. 知道如何申请离婚是很重要的, making mistakes in the process can be costly and prevent your divorce from being finalized in a timely manner. 这就是为什么它可以 ...


  • 11月30日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

After a marriage ends, countless questions typically arise. One of the first questions many couples ask our attorneys is, 离婚时到底什么是财产?在印第安纳州, any property is considered an asset during a divorce settlement, 不管它是如何获得的. Because 印第安纳州 is not classified as a community property state, none of your assets will be considered community property. 离婚通常会导致财产对半分割, but some circumstances can result in an unequal distribution, 取决于不同的因素. 什么是离婚协议中的财产? Joint ownership is established for any and all assets, and includes a ...


Some assets pass through probate when an asset holder dies. 然而,并不是所有的资产都必须强制进行遗嘱认证. Sometimes a will is not the ideal mechanism for ensuring that your assets are efficiently passed to your loved ones. We outline everything you need to know about the probate process and its effects on your assets. 什么是遗嘱认证? Probate is the name of a legal process that is set in motion after someone with assets dies. The court analyzes the deceased's estate and oversees the transfer of estate assets to the new owner. 遗嘱认证可以有遗嘱也可以没有遗嘱. 然而, if a will is involved, its validity is also determined. 在遗嘱认证过程中,法院将遗嘱执行人命名为 ...


A divorce will impact more than just your children and spouse. 它也可能影响你的遗产计划. 结婚前或结婚期间, you may have to revise your will or even divide your trusts and assets, 最好有个遗产规划律师. 但如果你离婚了,信托会怎么样呢? 记住,信任有很多好处. It can protect assets from taxes and other issues; however, 如果你打算离婚,可能会出现一些问题. Knowing your rights and the laws regarding property division for trusts is helpful. Using the services of an attorney will ensure that you make the right decisions regarding the trust and asset division. 法院如何裁决 ...


  • 6月2日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

印第安纳州是一个“无过错”州, which means that you do not have to make any allegations against your spouse to file for divorce. 当你递交解除婚姻关系申请书时, you only have to state that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Thus, on the surface, it does not matter who files for divorce first. 即使夫妻双方都想离婚, it can be a scary time as you are embarking on a new chapter of life. 和, 你面前有几个未知数, 比如离婚程序需要多长时间, 你的配偶是否会就财产分配发生争执, 探视, 和支持, 还有其他你需要处理的因素. 我们的离婚律师可以全程帮助你 ...


There are several things to keep in mind when you’re asking yourself, “如果有遗嘱,需要遗嘱认证吗??“在某些情况下, 你可能无法完全避免遗嘱认证, but you can certainly shield some assets from having to go through probate and simplify the process of probating your will. Only assets that the deceased person owned solely in their own name need to go through probate. All other assets pass to beneficiaries without oversight from the probate court. 例如, 将资产置于信托中,如房地产, 物品, and other valuable items – is a way to prevent these items from being part of probate. 在另一个例子中,使银行账户“pa” ...


One of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones is an estate plan designed specifically for your family. When you take the time to talk to our estate planning attorneys, 你可以主动探索一份遗嘱, 授权书, trust and other documents that will serve your loved ones for decades. An estate plan also can be key to avoiding probate in 印第安纳州. 现在是考虑遗产规划的时候了, while you’re healthy and have time to talk to your heirs about your inheritance decisions. There are many reasons why people want to avoid probate – it can be lengthy, 昂贵的, 对幸存的家庭成员来说压力很大. 通过几个简单的步骤,您可以将……的影响降到最低 ...


Many older adults find in their later years that they need long-term care, 是否家庭, 在社区或养老院. 才有资格享受医疗补助长期护理福利, a person must meet certain state income and asset guidelines. Much like the tax laws, the Medicaid laws are filled with exceptions to the rules. 肯塔基州和印第安纳州的平均水平, 在医疗补助计划律师的帮助下, married couples will save 95% to 100% of their assets and obtain long term care benefits for the incapacitated spouse. 对于一个人来说, families can often save at least 50% of their aging parent’s assets and obtain long term care benefits. 有了先进的计划,一个人 ...


People often put off creating a last will and testament either because they’re too busy or they don’t like contemplating end-of-life issues. 但推迟立遗嘱不是个好主意. It can create confusion, expense, and delay for your loved ones after you’ve passed away. When someone dies without a will in 印第安纳州, it is called “intestate succession.“这是一个复杂的法律术语, 所以更好的思考方式是问, “如果印第安纳州没有意愿会发生什么?” If you die without a will in 印第安纳州, your assets will pass to your closest relatives. These assets include only items that would have passed through a will under 印第安纳州’s intestate laws – ty ...


代码片段: The drawbacks of DIY trust and estate planning documents include inconsistencies, 缺乏灵活性, 资产遗漏, 模糊的规定, 而且他们可能不遵守你所在州的法律. In addition, they lack proper consideration for future challenges and opportunities. 

We live in a fast-paced digital world where we prefer that many t[...]